SH Books Inc. Submission Program


Shelleanne Hardial Books Inc. strives to publish nonfiction that is written from a biblical lens. In addition, we encourage submissions of fiction that is interwoven with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Our Submission Program is a strategic channel to provide potential, and established authors with the opportunity to share their stories with the world for the glory of God. Un-agented authors are welcome to submit their manuscripts.

As a Christian Black-owned corporation, we believe in supporting racialized voices through published works that proliferate the goodness of Jehovah Elohim.

You may submit the following genres: memoir, autobiography, biography, motivational, inspirational, and Christian children/youth- and adult fiction.

All submissions must be sent to within the program deadline. Ensure your email subject line has "Submission of Manuscript".

  • 1.

    Submit manuscripts during the announced submission window.

  • 2.

    Submit in the genre listed above.

  • 3.

    Manuscripts may only be submitted once.

  • 4.

    Authors may be un-agented.

  • 5.

    Manuscripts must be completed before submitting.

  • 6.

    Authors can only submit their own manuscripts.

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  • 7.

    Submissions must have an author biography (100-150 words), a query letter (including links to social media platforms - if applicable), synopsis (400-500 words) of the manuscript, and the first 5 pages.

  • 8.

    Only submit one project at a time. Do not submit a second manuscript unless you have heard from us about the first one.

After our submission window closes, Shelleanne Hardial Books' editorial team will review your manuscript. Once reviewed, we will contact you by email to let you know if we are interested (or not) in considering your full manuscript.

Please note that we cannot provide a specified time that you will hear back from us due to the volume of submissions we may receive. However, we will respond to all submissions as soon as we can. As such, we will not respond to individual follow-up questions.

  • We will announce on this page when our Submission Window is open. Manuscripts sent outside of the open submission period may not be considered. Feel free to subscribe below to receive notifications.

  • IMPORTANT: you are NOT entering into an agreement with Shelleanne Hardial Books Inc. for publication or compensation for your work when you submit your manuscript to us.

Shelleanne Hardial Books Inc. reserves the right to make any changes, replace part(s) of, or cancel the Submission Program at its discretion.

By submitting your manuscript, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to Shelleanne Hardial Books' privacy policy.