Dwayne & Shelleanne Hardial

  • Thank you for taking the time to visit our store. We are a Christian family-owned and operated publishing business; and, passionate about spiritual and educational empowerment in the lives of God’s people. Our services include editorial assistance and publishing for new and established authors.

I have always had the desire to write and share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Now, this is my reality manifested in our family-owned company where Dwayne and I are committed to publishing for God's glory. In addition, our goal is to assist authors with editorial and publishing services to the honour of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Dwayne and I are grateful to Jehovah Elohim, as well as everyone who supports our business, and book ministry! As blessed owners of Shelleanne Hardial Books, we endeavour to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and encourage those around us to trust in God for their benefit and for His glory.

Books published by Shelleanne Hardial Books Inc. will mainly be available on our company's website to ensure that authors receive high royalty percentages for their work.

We know and understand the reality of living busy lives as born-again Christians in that it takes a conscious effort to stay at the feet of Jesus Christ. So, our books are strategically written to exemplify ways in which we can draw closer to God each day.

  • Shelleanne Hardial Books Inc. reserves the right to reject any manuscript at its discretion that it deems as offensive, not complying with the mission of the corporation or obscene.

  • Oftentimes we find ourselves preoccupied with things that have drawn our attention away from the Lord.

  • Here is an opportunity via Shelleanne Hardial Books Inc. to refocus on the precepts of Jehovah Elohim, and be an active servant of His word.

  • Live your life intentionally. The Lord has given us life's manual - the Bible, to guide us into His truth. As such, Shelleanne Hardial Books are written from a biblical lens.

  • It is our desire that as you read our books, the Holy Spirit will encourage your heart, and empower you to share your testimonies of God's faithfulness!

  • Victory is ours when we allow the King of Glory to lead us in all we do. Thank you for supporting our business! May God continue to direct your path!

  • Equip your minds, and revitalize your spirits with a variety of Shelleanne Hardial Books Inc. We know they will be a blessing to you. So, transform your day by engaging with these inspirational books.

  • Let's be purposeful with our time, and honour the Lord with our daily choices! Our online store offers and promotes books and selective products that are inspirational and of positive content for the glory of the Almighty God.

  • Out of our passion to proclaim the goodness of God, Shelleanne Hardial Books Inc. was birthed. Thank you for joining us on this journey through your visits to our website, subscriptions, and purchases of our books and additional products.

  • Venture with us to discover the deep things of God through our books and blogging. We are going to have an inspiring time together! As a result, we trust the Lord that you will be motivated to inspire and bless others for His glory!

  • Established November 2021, Shelleanne Hardial Books Inc. has been federally incorporated and registered in the Province of Ontario. In addition, SH Books is our operating business name too.

  • Develop good reading habits that will keep your minds anchored on Christ Jesus. Our blog posts will focus on snippets of motivational words, forthcoming book(s), featured authors and co-authors. So, ensure you subscribe at the bottom of the page.