Our Newest Author - Gloria Hardial

Our Newest Author - Gloria Hardial

Hi SH Books Family;

Meet our newest author - Gloria Hardial!

Gloria is a mighty prayer warrior who makes time daily to pray for the requests, needs and protection of God's people. She is the mother of four grown sons and resides in Ontario, Canada. She enjoys reading, and spending time with her grand- and great-grand children.

She has written a powerful succinct prayer book - 31 Days of Prayer: Lifeline for the Soul that will engage you in conversations with God about the realities relating to the educational system, marriages, young people, workplaces, nations and families (to name a few) while demolishing the schemes of the enemy.

This book is a great resource to expand your prayer sphere. Whether you are on the train, bus, at home or waiting for a meeting to commence, you can pray these prayers with a pure heart - believing the Lord with anticipation (Hebrews 11:6; Mark 11:24). Ephesians 6:18 reminds us to "pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people" (NIV).

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