Happy BLACK History Month!!!

Hello SH Books Family,

Let us continue to declare during and beyond February that "[we] will praise [the Almighty God], for [we are] fearfully and wonderfully made; [m]arvelous are [His] works [a]nd that [our] soul[s] know very well."

Check out our Black History Month Sale...

Thank you as always for your continuous support!



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"He said to them, 'go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation'" (Mark 16:15 NLT).

Shelleanne Hardial Books Inc. may not be able to physically visit various parts of the world to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, but through divinely inspired content, the internet, and your support, we are able to "announce the Message of God’s [G]ood [N]ews to one and all" (Mark 16:15 MSG).

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